Exr-IO 2.02.00 Update
Thanks to the overwhelming feedback from artists and studios, we have been able to fine-tune many features and new operations to Exr-IO.
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Exr-IO 2.02.00 Update Log:
- Cryptomatte masks can now be created with transparency in the layers instead of grayscale layers. Both variations are available through the options dialog
More fixes and optimizations:
- The script for the automatic creation of layer masks has been updated to support both variations of Cryptomatte masks.
- Some specific workflows made it possible to create Exr files that had invalid blend modes stored in their layer information. Attempting to open those files failed with older versions of Exr-IO. Exr-IO now automatically detects invalid blend mode settings and autocorrects them.
Files with Cryptomatte data completely failed to load with older versions of Exr-IO if the Cryptomatte manifest contained invalid data. - Exr-IO now attempts to autocorrect the invalid data in the manifest or replaces it with default data if the autocorrection fails. This allows opening of the file and recovery of as much data as possible.